Biomechanics for Birth Online

An online course for midwives,and other birth professionals. It examines the biomechanics of the pelvis through labour, the physiology of birth, more effective diagnosis of malposition and techniques to help the pelvis and baby move into better positions for birth. The insights offered are especially powerful in cases of obstructed Labour but are also highly effective in helping most labouring women have a more comfortable and easier birth

 Biomechanics  is the science of human movement. It involves the study of structure and function of the mechanical aspects of biological processes (Lu and Chang 2012).

pelvis ligamentsVaginal birth is a remarkable event about which little is known from a biomechanical perspective’ (Ashton-Miller and DeLancey 2010)

The course has been created following requests from colleagues who have witnessed the effectiveness of techniques I have used in clinical work for many years. It offers midwives the chance to fully support women, helping to resolve mechanical labour dystocia Treat position 2b P1000726in a gentle and logical way. Although this is aimed at midwives it is suitable for all birthworkers including doulas, doctors, and any medical professionals with an interest in birth matters. 

One of the main reasons for interventions in labour is Dystocia, also known as ‘Prolonged Labour’ or ‘Failure to Progress’. The most common reason for dystocia is a mechanical imbalance often but not always resulting in a suboptimal position. The course explores how to identify labour dystocia and how to resolve it using physiology informed solutions. Understanding the biomechanical element of birth offers practitioners a deeper awareness of the baby’s journey through the pelvis and the synergy of the mother/ baby dyad. An improved understanding of the mechanisms of the pelvis and the baby's movement through it aids the development of root cause solutions to suboptimal positions.

The course offers an in-depth understanding of how the pelvis works during the birth process and improved diagnostic tools to identify suboptimal positions. This knowledge allows midwives and doctors to develop powerful tools to reduce the need for medical intervention. It offers simple movements and positions to help resolve the problems caused by malposition and also raises questions about our own routine assumptions and practice in intrapartum care. 

 Course Content

  • Definition of malposition, dystocia, statistics & birth outcomes.
  • Applying Biomechanics to Birth including, anatomy and & physiology, causes of pelvic imbalance that often result in suboptimal positions, who is at risk, why and how to recognise it.
  • Practical techniques include optimal birth positions, the use of rebozo and positions to help labour progress such as forward leaning inversion, side lying release, abdominal lift, exaggerated lateral position, birth balls and peanut balls
  • Techniques to improve diagnosis of a mechanical labour dystocia
  • Other helpful strategies that support and optimise birth physiology,
  • Empowering midwifery and challenging the status quo
  • Research and evidence,
  • Communication, and consent & documentation

 To make the course accessible online it has been broken down into 4 modules, two are prerecorded and two live zoom sessions.

Module one - A&P is a pre recorded presentation exploring the structure of the pelvis, and the dynamic relationship between the ligaments, muscles and bone that form this complex piece of human architecture. Molly discusses why a better understanding of the biomechanics of the pelvis is more useful than a purely pathological model and allows a better understanding of the physical restrictions created by pelvic imbalance and the way space  impacts the baby's journey through the birth canal. It includes an assessment which can be completed to obtain a CPD valid certificate.

transverse lie 800 pixModule two - practicing techniques and positions Video tutorials teaching positions and movements that can help women experiencing long, painful or difficult labours. You will learn when and how to apply the techniques, contraindications and tips and tricks to make sure the positions are used appropriately safely and effectively. You will be expected to demonstrate familiarity and aptitude with positions in module 4. It would be useful to enlist the help of a family member or friend to practice and to be available during the live session.

The two pre course modules demand at least three hours of self directed learning - practicing moves involves working with a partner

Module three - Live Zoom. Presents the key elements of the course using breakout rooms, storytelling and practitioner experience interactively to explore issues related to labour dystocia and enabling physiological birth; these may include research, institutional constraints, practitioner observations using the skill of watchful attendance and any other relevant topics. The discussions will be used to make connections with physiology and anatomy and the variety of common signs associated with dystocia to help develop better diagnostic method.

Live interactive session - approximately 3 hours 

gerona rebozo

Module Four - Live Zoom Assessment of skills with positions and techniques. During this session you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the postions and will need to arrange a model if possible. It  includes a recap of positive evidence and research and a closing breakout session that allows participants to discuss ways the course has affected their perception of the care they deliver, and an 'application of the techniques to practice' quiz at the end of the module. Live session runs for approxiately 3 hours

The course costs £105, £75 for students - To book follow this link 

Price and details for group bookings - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.